Cold War Stories

Photo by Jorge Salvador on Unsplash

The one quote most known by many people in the UK is Margaret Thatcher’s assertion that the Cold War was won without firing a shot.

We want to widen popular understanding of this period of history, which it might be argued is still ongoing, in the proxy wars still causing suffering today.

The Cold War has touched the lives of many people now living or working in Camberwell, from memories of being frightened by the threat of nuclear attack, or growing up behind the ‘the iron curtain’, to having left a home because of civil war.

We want to gather these stories to help us better understand the Cold War but mostly to give us a chance to understand each other’s journeys to where we are today.

If you have a story to share we’d love to hear from you.


Zsuzsanna’s story

Learn about a childhood in Transylvania, Romania, under the Ceaușescu communist government.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash


Would you like to share a Cold War Story? Your memories could be the next ones to appear on these pages.